Presented byClaire Weetman
A lonely giant shelters from the storm under a mountain of blankets. Travelling two giant steps at a time, she secretly gifts her blankets of kindness and care to people and animals in the town, but nobody notices the giant.
Travel with the giant through the storm to a place where she eventually feels part of a community. Claire Weetman will bring this story to life using the Giant’s Blankets which will transform into crashing clouds and twisting tornadoes; the giant uses her blankets to make a hammock that rescues a cyclist, a tent to protect an engineer and a sling for a baby; and the blankets make a space for a wonderful community picnic when everyone returns to thank the helpful giant who has made some new friends.
Where: Eccleston Library
Price: FREE
Age: 4+
Programmed in partnership with St Helens Arts in Libraries.
This event is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority as the lead authority.