We are thrilled to be receiving funding from National Lottery Community Fund to deliver an exciting project; Communities of Wonder.

The aim of Communities of Wonder is to work with groups of children & young people in St Helens on exciting and wonderful creative projects.

We use a range of arts activities as a medium to explore themes relevant to and identified by young people including: Mental Health and Wellbeing (post Covid); the Environment; and Diversity, with the aim of reducing anti-social behaviour, increasing confidence and wellbeing and improving mental health and life choices and aspirations

We believe that magical artistic experiences have the power to change people’s lives and we’re bringing artistic experiences to children, young people and families in St Helens, to create profound and positive life changing impacts.

To find out how your community group can get involved with Communities of Wonder, please contact our Youth Projects & Engagement Worker, Emma at emma@wonderarts.co.uk

Check out all of the wonderful projects to date below